Common Concerns: Healthy Sleep Habits

August 26, 2017 - by Rakesh Chopra MD - in Health

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School is back in session and kids are settling into new routines, and that also applies to their sleep patterns! Healthy sleep habits are a good topic to discuss at the start of a new school year as it helps facilitate efficient learning.

Many parents will often ask how many hours of sleep are appropriate for their child. And the short answer is that recommended sleep hours vary by age. Below you will find recommendations from the American Academy of Sleep Medicine (AASM). The AAP supports and encourages these guidelines for children.

Some of these numbers may be surprising to parents but the truth is, children function better with the recommended hours of sleep. Otherwise, sleep deprivation can lead to difficulty concentrating, headaches, obesity, irritability and depression.

Here are some recommendations to help promote and support healthy sleep habits in your own home:

  1. Make sufficient sleep a family priority : Be a role model for your child and set a good example with sleep hygiene. It helps to show children that sleep is just as important to a healthy lifestyle as proper nutrition and exercise.
  2. Keep to a regular daily routine: Children thrive with routines and structured environments. This concept is started as early as infancy and will help maintain healthy sleep habits throughout life.
  3. Daily activity: It’s important for children to be active each day not only to support physical health, but also better sleep habits. Vary their exercises and activities to keep their bodies and minds engaged.
  4. Monitor screen time: The AAP recommends keeping all screens, tablets and other electronic devices OUT of the bedroom. It is recommended to avoid screen time 60 minutes before bed to prevent sleep disruption.
  5. Recognize sleep problems: It’s important to identify sleep issues early in children and discuss them with your pediatrician. Symptoms like difficulty falling asleep, frequent nighttime awakenings, and extreme daytime irritability would all be issues to discuss with a doctor.

Additional Resources:

For a list of other sleep-hygiene related tips and recommendations, visit the American Academy of Sleep Medicine for more information.

And for help initiating a healthy bedtime routine for children, visit for more information.


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Rakesh Chopra MD


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