
Car Seat Safety: Winter Edition

January 31, 2018 - by Rakesh Chopra MD - in Health

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Car seat safety during the winter months can be challenging.  Check out the car seat safety tips below to ensure a safe and warm traveling experience for your precious cargo.

Say ‘No’ to bulky outerwear: Snowsuits and puffy winter coats are a staple during the winter months.  However, these should not be worn on the child while in the car seat.  Fluffy padding flattens out from force, leaving extra space under the harness.  The child can slip through the straps and be thrown from the seat.

Hot seat:  Be sure to store the carrier portion of the seat in the house–this helps reduce the loss of body heat once the child is placed in the car.

Heads, hands, and toes:  Hats, gloves/mittens, and boots will keep your child warm without interfering with the car seat straps.

Dress in layers:  Dress your child in close-fitting layers such as bodysuits, leggings, tights, and thermal shirts.  This allows the straps to fit securely over the child.

Cover Up: Place a blanket over the top of the harness straps for extra warmth.  

ICE bag:  Always pack an emergency bag with extra blankets, clothes, winter accessories, water, and non perishable snacks in case there is an on-road accident.

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Rakesh Chopra MD

Rakesh Chopra MD


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