
Tips To Make Shots Less Stressful

May 26, 2018 - by Rakesh Chopra MD - in Health

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Shots are so important when it comes to preventing and protecting our children from diseases.  However, the trip to the doctor’s office is filled with much anxiety for both parents and children.  Check out the tips below on how to make shots less stressful!

  1.  Prepare.  Take the time to read any information given to you by your healthcare professional regarding what shot your child is receiving, the side effects, and recovery time.
  2.  Favorite things.  Bring a toy, blanket, or book that will keep your child occupied.  Bringing their favorite things allows them to focus on something comforting instead of the shots.
  3. Offer a sweet drink.  If your child is older than six months, offer a sweet drink like juice–it may help calm your child.  If your baby is breastfeeding, that is also a way to help your child relax.
  4. Be honest.  Before the visit, talk with  your child and let them know what to expect.  Explain that they will feel a slight pinch, but it will go away fast.  If your baby is not old enough to understand yet, just using a calm reassuring voice will make your baby feel more at ease.  Never tell scary stories about shots or make threats about shots.
  5. Distract your child.  Pick a careful time right before the shot to sing your child’s favorite song or make a funny face to pull their attention away from the shot giver.
  6. Swaddle your baby.  Swaddling mimics the conditions in the womb, reminding your baby of before they were born–this is a great calming technique.
  7. After care.  The care after the shots is just important as the preparation before the shots.  Pay attention to any symptoms.  If the area is sore, try applying a cool washcloth or if your doctor approves give your child some pain reliever.  Give your child extra attention and cuddles.

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Rakesh Chopra MD

Rakesh Chopra MD


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