Chopra Pediatrics now offers Virtual PCP Visits to our Highmark BCBS and Gateway Health Plan patients!

December 02, 2019 - by Rakesh Chopra MD - in Health

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What are Virtual PCP Visits?

Virtual PCP Visits are the remote delivery of care via HIPAA compliant audio and video telecommunications technology. A patient can participate in a virtual visit with a PCP from the privacy of their own home or other private setting.

Virtual PCP Visits are available to most Highmark and Gateway Health Plan members, and are a covered benefit similar to an outpatient visit. If a member’s benefit has a copay for a PCP visit, the copay would be applied to a Virtual PCP Visits.

Why Virtual PCP Visits?

Virtual PCP Visits are about convenience, getting patients the care they need when they need it, whether it is difficult to get into the office or for after hours care. Virtual PCP visits can be used to triage cases and help reduce urgent care and ER visits.

How do I schedule a Virtual PCP Visit?

We are now offering Virtual PCP Visits on a limited basis during regular office hours, from 6-9 PM on weekdays, and on request on weekends.
Contact office or on call provider to request Virtual PCP Visit if indicated based on concerns (There are limitations to what can be accomplished on a Virtual PCP Visit, but they can often save a trip to an urgent care or ER, and sometimes, even the office) Install app on your smartphone, tablet or laptop or the on call provider can send an invite/link.

Process is very simple and usually just takes a few seconds to get started.
To go directly to the virtual waiting room, enter URL

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Rakesh Chopra MD


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